Wednesday, October 28, 2009


When you realize the difference between good communication skills and the "Good for nothing communication skills", it will be easier for you to become a good communicator.
Communication is probably the one skill which made us distinct amongst the animals. Along with our ability to think, it has brought progress in the world. Since we are born with superb in built tools for communication, we often think we are born with good communication skills too.

Wonder why? Just because we have been doing it all our life..

It is true that from childhood you have been given verbal and non verbal inexplicit instructions on how to behave and talk to people. In spite of this, how many of us interrupt while others speak? On the other hand, how many of us can confidently say we are good in handling interruption?

We have been taught to speak to people rather than speak with them

In my experiments during the wandering days, I discovered that not only are these the default values passed on from generation to another; there was no proof that these were the best methods to use.

Most of them can't even be called good communication skills.
For example, while we are talking to others, seldom do we stop and ask ourselves what is it that I am trying to communicate? There is no definite goal for most of our conversations. From the childhood, we are taught that those who can talk faster are usually sharper than others. (Good communication skills?)

Whenever you are expressing a thought to someone, it is a good idea if you have an overall picture of what are you trying to convey.

If you have picture or a sound in mind that you want to convey, it will be much easier to achieve your goal. To start practicing good communication skills, start using this principle today! This is not applicable just for people, every business also should trains it employees on business communication skills so they can be represented in an appropriate manner in the market place.

Remember, it is not just the words that do the job; it's a lot of other things too..

What qualities make communication effective?

Summary of the Tips:

Be clear about your goal and communicate it,
Explain what you want the person receiving it to do,
Explain the benefits for responding as requested,
Establish credibility and show respect for the reader,
Choose an appropriate communication method.

1. Confirm agreements and actions.
2. Motivate sales.
3. Build goodwill and effective public relations.
4. Enhance internal human relationships.
5. Keep people informed.


maryam nadwah said...

thank you for the tips...;)